If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, you must stop at the scene.

If death or injury requiring immediate medical attention has occurred, or the accident site is causing a hazard on the road call Triple Zero and ask for emergency services.  Otherwise, where able, move any vehicles involved to a safe place on the side of the road as soon as possible.

Ensure to note down the following in writing:

  1. Name, address, and contact details of the driver.
  2. Name, address, and contact details of the owner as well, if the driver does not own the vehicle.
  3. The vehicle registration, make, model and colour.
  4. The exact address where the accident occurred.
  5. The full names and full contact details of any witnesses.

You should also take photos of your vehicle and the at fault vehicle where safe to do so that include:

  • the vehicle registration of the at fault vehicle.
  • any damage to either vehicle.
  • the accident scene that includes the location. For example, you can take photos of the intersection, street sign and shop front.

A motor vehicle accident can be traumatic for anyone.  It would be beneficial to take a moment to clear your mind and slow your breathing so you can respond calmly and with clarity.

Should any of the following occur, you should call Policelink on 131 444 at the scene:

  1. You suspect involvement of drugs or alcohol.
  2. A driver is refusing to provide their details.
  3. You suspect false details have been provided.
  4. The driver is unlicensed.
  5. The accident has been caused by reckless driving.
  6. A driver with impairment or disability needs police to assist.

Once you have successfully exchanged details with the at fault vehicle and can safely drive away from the scene, you should do so as soon as possible.

Should your vehicle be undrivable, call a tow truck company or your insurance provider to arrange a tow truck.  Police can assist to tow your vehicle as a last resort.  You can call Policelink on 131 444.

Once you arrive home safely, it is important to write down the details of the motor vehicle accident in your own words that same day or otherwise as soon as possible.

If the police did not attend the scene, you should still report the motor vehicle accident to police as soon as possible.  You can do this:

  1. Online via Policelink – Reporting | QPS
  2. By phoning Policelink on 131 444
  3. Attending your local police station

Police should provide you with a reference number you can use for insurance purposes or for following up any police action.  You should report any injuries you sustained because of the accident to police.

Should you still be in ‘shock’ when you report the incident to police or not yet feel the impacts of the accident physically, and injuries arise later, you should update your police report to include your injuries as soon as possible.

Where injured, you should attend your General Practitioner as soon as possible and where recommended attend rehabilitative treatment (including physiotherapy) for any injuries sustained because of the accident.


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    Two women shaking hands across a desk with legal documents, in a professional office setting.