Kokoda Challenge

Personal Injury Lawyer

The Spirit of Kokoda – mateship, endurance, courage and sacrifice was forged by the Australian troops from the 39th and 42nd Militia on the Kokoda Track in Papua New Guinea during WWII. The Japanese had entered the war the year before, after the bombing of Pearl Harbour. The mighty Japanese army had then conquered a number of South East Asian countries before advancing to the final frontier of Papua where if taken would have lead to an imminent invasion of Australia.

These values of yesteryear are still having a profound impact on individuals and the sense of community we each can demonstrate in our everyday lives. It shows that when we work together, look out for each other and show commitment to the task, even the most seemingly impossible feats are achievable.

Helping Aussie Kids

The challenges that today’s teenagers face are often unique and arise from a range of different circumstances – whether it be at school, home, socially or with the police.

We don’t believe that there is a quick fix, but we do know that through a combination of great mentors, physical activity, new friends, self belief and an ongoing support network, young people can gain the confidence and skills to overcome any obstacles life throws at them.

This is the experiential learning that is provided by the Kokoda Challenge Youth Program.

The program objectives are:

  • To teach young people that their achievements in life are directly related to the effort they contribute, whether that be at school, work, professionally or in personal relationships.
  • To teach young people that the consequences of choices they make will have a profound effect on their happiness, future, lifestyle and what they achieve.

What’s involved?

The program is a 14 month commitment – the first 20 weeks consist of training and team building activities that develop physical fitness and prepare participants for the challenge of a lifetime – walking the Kokoda Track in Papua New Guinea.

This life changing experience is followed by a further six months of community service activities where participants regularly volunteer their time to local not-for-profit organisations and events such as Landcare projects, Surfing with the Disabled and working with the homeless and elderly.

These projects give young people an understanding of the broader community and an enhanced appreciation of their own circumstances.

The Queensland Law Group is a proud sponsor of the KOKODA CHALLENGE

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