Have your plans been cancelled by COVID-19?

Have you had to cancel your plans due to COVID-19 restrictions? Are you having trouble with cancellations and refunds? The ACCC have developed a FAQ guide which answers the questions below, or you can contact us via live chat for more detailed advice.

See the full ACCC factsheet here: https://www.accc.gov.au/consumers/consumer-rights-guarantees/covid-19-coronavirus-information-for-consumers

Flights, Tours and Cruises

If your flight, cruise or tour has been cancelled, the ACCC expects that you will receive a refund, or at least a credit note, in most circumstances. Check the terms and conditions of your ticket and try contacting the business directly to request a refund.

If you booked other related expense (like accommodation), check with the provider to see if they’re prepared to offer a refund, a replacement service or voucher. You can also check if the expense is covered under travel insurance (if you have a policy).

If you’ve made the decision not to travel due to concerns about COVID-19, this may be treated as a ‘change of mind’ by the business. You should contact the provider to see what you’re entitled to.

Event Cancellations

The same goes for cancelled events. Check the terms and conditions of your ticket, but you should be receiving a refund or credit note. Get in contact with the event organiser directly to see if you can get a refund.

Gym Memberships

As gyms are closed under the direction of the government, gyms cannot take payment when there are reasonable grounds the services won’t be supplied – in short, you do not have to continue to make gym payments as long as the gym services have ceased.

In terms of membership ‘freeze’ or ‘suspension’, because the government is preventing gyms from operating, the ACCC expects that gyms will not charge ‘suspension’ fees. If payments have already been deducted, try contacting the gym directly to have payments refunded.

Wedding Cancellations/Changes

If your wedding has been cancelled due to government restrictions, you may be entitled to a refund of your deposit under the terms and conditions of your booking. You should contact the venue directly to request a refund or another remedy, such as a credit note to postpone your wedding to a later date. This applies for the venue and other services like florists, photographers, bands etc

If you want to return your (un-worn) wedding dress/shoes/bridesmaids dresses etc because you no longer need them, you are not entitled to a refund under Australian Consumer Law. You are only entitled to a remedy if your product fails to meet a consumer guarantee, depending if there’s a minor or major problem with the product. Some retailers have their own returns policy and you should read that to see if you are able to return any items.


For more information, see the full ACCC FAQ guide here: https://www.accc.gov.au/consumers/consumer-rights-guarantees/covid-19-coronavirus-information-for-consumers Alternatively, we are always here to answer any legal questions you may have.


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