Changes to REIQ Contracts

Is 13 a lucky number?

The QLS and the Real Estate Institute of Queensland have released the 13th edition of the standard “Contract for Houses and Residential Land”.

The contract and the standard “Contract For Residential Lots In A Community Titles Scheme” (now in its 9th edition) has been updated as a result of changes to the Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990, introduced by the Fire and Emergency Services (Domestic Smoke Alarms) Amendment Act 2016.

The Changes are the same in both contracts with Clause 1 Definitions going from:

“Compliant Smoke Alarm” means a smoke alarm complying with sections 104RB (2) or (4) of the Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990;”


“Compliant Smoke Alarm” means a smoke alarm complying with the requirements for smoke alarms in domestic dwellings under the Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990;”

Not a big change but as always the latest editions of the contracts should be used to avoid any potential issues.

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